Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Engineering


   The IEIAH research team is specialized in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Engineering. The originality of our approach is to consider the engineering process as an uninterrupted design process (i.e. continuing through the TEL system uses).

   The team’s global scientific mission is to elaborate a strong scientific foundation for the development and engineering of TEL systems. This main objective is the backbone of all the team’s researches and projects. 


   One of the main goals is to integrate teachers and instructors in the design process of TEL systems. Indeed, our studies focus on engineering situations where TEL systems are designed by teachers themselves and not by TEL researchers or professional TEL companies. We consider TEL system design as a continuous iterative process alternating (1) real time adaptation of the learning and teaching activities, (2) usage analysis and (3) TEL system reengineering, through a model driven approach. 

We consider TEL systems as a collection of tools users can interact with, developing their own usage, either predicted or emerging from their interactions. We assume that the use of tools and models, designed to be manipulated by teachers, can enhance such interactions.


   The team also works on advanced interactions for learning (interactive tables, mixed reality, tangible interfaces…) in particular for Serious Games. The research questions are related to the design of authoring tools for TEL systems, the use of advanced interactions, as well as how to support collaborative learning situations.

The team’s research is lead according to three primary dimensions:


  • Design, Operationalization and Adaptation of Learning Situations
  • Modeling the Observation of Usage Tracks and their Analysis
  • Advanced and Collaborative Interactions for Learning


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